
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

With Christ as our guide and example we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.

Together we will try to:

Learn from Jesus,

Love like Jesus,

Live like Jesus

Building Fund

Why do we need a Building fund?


The Diocesan Schools Building Fund (DSBF) was introduced in September 2000 in order to provide the contribution needed towards building and repair projects at all Voluntary Aided Schools in the Diocese of Portsmouth.  All schools are allocated capital funding each year, but church schools only receive 90% of their allocation.  To cover the remaining 10% we ask parents for a donation of £15 per child per term.


In return for making this contribution, we have access to a larger fund of money for building projects.  The scale of the project is not limited to the funds available to the school.


Past School Projects


Past projects include the building of the Woodlands Early Years Centre, installation of the Multi Use Games Area, repairs to the drainage, boilers, hall heaters and rooves and the improvement of lighting and security of the school grounds.


In total this amounts to over half a million pounds worth of work that the school could not have afforded.


How do I pay?


You can pay by standing order or alternatively you can pay through the ParentMail payments system, you will find it in your basket.


  • Standing Order
    • Lloyds TSB, Aldershot - Sort Code: 30-90-09, Account Number: 02184893, Account Name: St Patrick's School, Governor's Account.
  • ParentMail
    • You will find the option in your Payments option on your IRIS ParentMail account.
  • Gift Aid
    • If you are a tax payer, please do also sign the gift aid form.  This allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated.