
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

With Christ as our guide and example we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.

Together we will try to:

Learn from Jesus,

Love like Jesus,

Live like Jesus

Year 4 - Maple

Hello and Welcome to Maple Class


Mr Noble is our teacher


In Lower Key stage 2 we consolidate and refine the learning from Year 2 and Year 3.  Mr Noble is the class teacher and Mrs Ward is the Learning Support Assistant attached to Maple Class. 

We generally follow the timetable below but occasionally this day changes for charity events, special Masses or external visitors.


8:40am - 9:10amEarly Work and Registers
9:10am - 10:30amMaths / Friday AM RE
10:15am - 10:30amMonday and Tuesday - Liturgy Assembly 
10:30am - 10:45amMorning Break
10:45am - 12:15pmEnglish including Guided Reading / Spelling and Grammar
12:15pm - 1:05pmLunchtime
1:05pm - 2:05pm

Afternoon Session 1

Foundation Subjects: Geography / History / Science

2:05pm - 3:05pm

Afternoon Session 2

Foundation Subjects: Art / DT / PSE

3:10pm - 3:30pm

Individual Reading / Listen to Chapter Book

Home time


Maple Class Outdoor PE is Thursday. We also have additional PE sessions across the term and you will be sent a ParentMail is PE clothes are necessary.  Homework is set on Fridays and runs for the week, it includes spellings, grammar activities, TTRockstars  - (times tables online gigs and multiplication games) and MyMaths activities to consolidate maths learning from the week.

Our Curriculum


Below is a link to our curriculum map which shows the great range of topics we study across the year group including ‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, Flight in Farnborough, Volcanoes/Democratic of Congo.  We enjoy learning in a creative way and try to incorporate drama across the curriculum.  In English we use a range of different genres and text styles to stimulate and generate our own writing. We follow Hampshire County Council planning units for Spelling and Grammar. In maths we continue to build on our number skills and accuracy in written calculations.  We study fractions, decimals and percentages as well as shape and data.


Things That Can Help Your Learning


  • Regular practice of timetables will help build fluency - TTRockstars
  • Homework and extra practice of Maths - MyMaths
  • Practice of spelling, grammar and punctuation is always helpful to improve writing skills - Spag




Our learning in RE follows the God Matter's programme provided by the Diocese of Portsmouth and through Catholic Social Teaching. We spend time learning about bible stories and verses linked through topics such as Creation, Who is my neighbour? Advent.



Year 4 have an overnight trip to Runways End during the Spring Term and we will be exploring the FAST Museum in Farnborough to support our History topic of Farnborough Flight. 

If you have any questions or there is anything urgent that you think we need to know, please contact the school Office either by phone 01252 542511 or email
