
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

With Christ as our guide and example we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.

Together we will try to:

Learn from Jesus,

Love like Jesus,

Live like Jesus

Education and Special Needs

Education (EYFS)

We are passionate about creating an exciting and engaging learning environment for our children.  It is important that children ‘learn through play’ at this stage of their development.  At Pandas Nursery we work to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)  framework, which is the guiding body on child development. We learn through projects and our main aim is to ensure happy, all round development of each child through a wide and balanced range of interesting and challenging experiences with all key learning events recorded and key targets worked on and developed.


The EYFS is split into two areas of development

Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language


Specific Areas of Learning

Literacy / Mathematics

Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


For the older children who are getting reading for school we have letters and sounds sessions to help prepare them for reading and writing, PE sessions to help them get used to dressing and undressing and body movement. These children are also encouraged to plan their own learning activities for the day, guided by their key worker.


We also work closely with the reception class team on an extensive transition programme.

We use an online learning journey system called Tapestry, whereby a child’s development is recorded online.  Parents can access Tapestry at any time to see observations, their child’s development and photographs.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

The school’s SENCO, Mrs Tonia Robertson is responsible for Special Educational Needs and Disability within the Nursery Class.
