With Christ as our guide and example we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.
Together we will try to:
Learn from Jesus,
Love like Jesus,
Live like Jesus
All parents and staff are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
St Patrick's Primary PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community.
The work of the PTA is guided and organised by the committee which is made up of volunteers. The PTA organise several fundraising and social events for the school throughout the year in which a wide range of parents, grandparents and friends help.
These include non-uniform days, arts and crafts activities, school discos, teatime afternoons, Quiz and Bingo nights, Autumn, Easter and Summer Fêtes. The PTA also support the staff by helping with other school events, for example providing refreshments for plays, Sports Day and Open Days throughout the school calendar.
Everybody is welcome to attend meetings and all help is gratefully received so please do think hard about making a contribution to PTA activities.
Everybody is welcome to attend meetings and all help is gratefully received so please do think hard about making a contribution to PTA activities. Please email us at stpatricks-pta@hotmail.com if you can volunteer at any of the school’s events or if you have an idea you’d like to put forward.
to be announced .........
Parents, friends and supporters of St Patrick’s school can now contribute to their classrooms by buying gifts from the Wishlist. Just use the link below and you can buy specific items requested by your child’s year teacher. The Amazon Wishlist is regularly updated, so make sure you check in when you can. All support and help is greatly appreciated.
We’ve joined SumUp and have 5 cashless payment devices for the next event/s.
Methods accepted include:
We have updated our HMRC profile and are now able to claim GiftAid on directed donations and potentially the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme too. We may ask in future for parents to complete a GiftAid declaration (separate from any GiftAid declarations possibly completed for the school). As a result, aspects of PTA ran events will benefit from a 25% rebate on donations.
We are subscribed to JustGiving, a well-known online charity tool. This allows for online payments and campaigns to be set up. It is possible we will leverage this during the year. If you want to donate today, please visit St Patrick's JustGiving Page . GiftAid can be applied to this donation by JustGiving.
Similar to JustGiving this site allows the PTA to progress grant applications, take donations online and even take donations in Nectar points from Sainsbury's. If you’d like to donate, please visit St Patrick's Crowd Funder Page . GiftAid can be applied to this donation by CrowdFunder.