With Christ as our guide and example we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.
Together we will try to:
Learn from Jesus,
Love like Jesus,
Live like Jesus
Hot meals are provided by Edwards and Ward and are freshly cooked in the onsite kitchen each day. Children can choose a meat or vegetarian option and meals can be prepared for children on special diets. Young children are supported to cut up their lunch, but we would encourage parents to practise this skill at home.
If your child prefers packed lunches that is absolutely fine. Packed lunches need to be provided in a named lunch box. Drinks should be in an unbreakable container or carton. We ask that no nut products or peanut butter are included as some children have severe allergic reactions. Children enjoy eating their lunch with their friends and then have time to play outside.
If your child has a dietary need, please contact the School Office for further advice and support.
A copy of the menu is below and for translated versions of the school menu are available here
School meals costs £3.00 per day and payment is due in advance via Parentmail. We are not able to offer credit for school dinners but please assured that no child will go without a meal in an emergency. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive a free school meal each day as are children whose family qualify for free school meals. You can check if you’re entitled here Free School Meal Eligibility
The school provides milk for children through Cool Milk. Parents can register at Cool Milk
Children who are entitled to eligibility checked free school meals (not Universal Free School Meals for Key Stage 1 children), and children under 5 are entitled to free milk.